
Sunday, 28 November 2010

Why Affirmations Don’t Work – Part 13

Time-Bound Goals

I suppose I can be specific about taking an exam in French next year or running a 10k race. But something like meeting a partner could be rather stressful. I’m not even sure you could make that something that is time-bound: how can you guarantee that you’ll even meet someone within your specified time-frame?

I believe in God and I believe in destiny: I believe that God has a plan for everyone’s life – including meeting a partner. Not everyone believes in God – but a lot of people believe in destiny. So how can you set a specific time-frame for something like meeting a partner? I think a lot of people want to meet a partner in order to redress an imbalance in their own life, and therefore, are not yet ready to meet that special someone. Bearing this in mind – what use are your time-bound goals and affirmations directed in the area of romance, going to be?

Staying with the romance goal – what sort of action steps would you plan to take to achieve such a goal? It could be something doable – but is it relevant? You could sign-up to a dating agency or hang out in bars – but will it achieve anything significant? I believe that when it comes to something like romance, you can’t plan it and you cannot apply an attainment date – in my experience romance just happens – often when I least expect it.

I think this gives us a picture of life as a whole: there is a simple, but beautiful, flow to life. I would say that our goal with any spiritual or self-help method is to go with the flow of life, in order that life will be for us a wonderful adventure that we cannot predict, but we can trust to go well for us – whatever happens.


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