High AGFLAP people typically span the range of lust, anger and pride. It would appear that the emotion of lust seems to be the pivotal point between a high AGFLAP state and a low AGFLAP state; lust is something which is typically shared by both sets of people.
Typically, a high AGFLAP person will operate in a continuous want for separation. Such people look to what they do and what they have to give them a sense of identity and purpose. They are highly competitive people who judge other people and compare themselves with them. We see an example in the Bible in Luke 18:11 of a person with a want for separation who compares himself with someone else, as a means of making himself feel more distinctive and beyond reproach.
High AGFLAP people will tend to be dissatisfied a lot of the time. However, they will not spend a lot of time in apathy or grief. Such people will often complain when things don't go the way they want. But rather than feeling powerless to do anything about it they will often shift the blame onto external circumstances and other people for their dissatisfaction, such as the government, work colleagues, the economy and so on. So we can see that people who are in a state of high AGFLAP, with a want for separation, are constantly looking outside of themselves in order to blame something or someone for their frustration.
Such people will be highly opinionated and very competitive; they are driven heavily by the concept of effort-and-reward. These highly opinionated people will always want to be right; they will hardly ever humble themselves and are unwilling to see things from another person's perspective. They are controlling and if someone else disagrees with them, they are prepared to bitterly argue their case. It is amazing the lengths that such people will go to be able to argue their case: they are prepared to study and gather all the facts that they need in order to prove that they are right.
I find such people unpleasant to be around because I feel that I can never relax around them. I feel that I need to always be on my guard and have to be prepared to defend my viewpoint. As high AGFLAP people need the approval of others in order to boost their self-esteem, they will unceasingly search for the means of maintaining the approval of others according to their efforts, which is of course, exhausting.
The concept of being loved by God and getting their needs met by Him, even when they don't deserve it, will be completely alien to these people, this goes equally for Christians and non Christians. High-performance and intelligent people can be High AGFLAP people. In fact, high AGFLAP people are capable of great achievements and the attainment of wealth. However, without love these achievements and attainment of possessions will do little to appease the wants that compel them.
There is a temptation to justify these wants and to retain them with the belief that without them they would not be compelled to aspire to achieve anything. This is a complete misnomer because when a person has genuine love, it is that love which compels them to do the things that they do. True Christianity is all about knowing that you are loved by God through faith in Christ and resting your mind in the faithfulness of God.
You sound like one of those people... in hiding... you might want to be more aware of that... not that there's anything wrong with that really
Please expand AGFLAP...
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