The last emotional profile that we are going to examine is that of CAP people. CAP people are those who spend most of their time in a state of courageousness, acceptance or peace. We have only to look at the synonyms attributed to these high emotional states to understand that this is the best profile to belong to. These people are relatively free from the four wants of approval, control, security, separation and oneness. These people experience love, peace and joy as their normal state. The emotions of fear, lust, and anger and so on are not completely outside their experience but are definitely uncommon to them.
CAP people are able to rest in the integrity of who they are and they have a strong sense of self-esteem and self-confidence. Such people tend not to worry about things and they typically find that life just "does itself" and that they tend to make the right decisions in the right moment.
CAP people are not totally immune to things going wrong in their lives. However, when something bad or unexpected does happen in their life, they are in a much better state to be able to accept it, deal with it and move on from it, than those who spend most of their time in a state of AGFLAP.
The Concept of Intelligence
I think that most people in the world have distorted views on concepts such as intelligence and love. When it comes to intelligence we tend to think that if somebody is academic and has many qualifications then they are intelligent. I have found that people with qualifications can sometimes be the dumbest people on the planet! Rather than identifying a person's intelligence according to their education and their profession, we should look more towards their emotional state.
A person could have very few qualifications and not have a spectacular job, and yet, they could be calm, resourceful, confident, quick thinking and capable. Rather than looking to the concept of intelligence we should look more to the concept of wisdom or intuition. What marks a person as being capable, is how intuitive they are. Another word for intuitive could be common sense. If a person lacks common sense and they will tend to be ineffective in life. When it comes to the quality of a person's life I believe it comes down more to their ability to make good choices in life, rather than their job title and salary figure. But it is the concept of effort-and-reward, fuelled by the four wants, which causes a person to pursue things like job titles and salary figures, rather than peace of mind and the ability to make good choices.
The Concept of Love
The concept of love for many people is a very confusing one. Being a Christian I have seen the way that the institutional church has attempted to reduce love down to a set of principles. As a result, there are many Christians who have become like religious robots and follow a set of rules rather than living from their heart. Darin Hufford from the Free Believers Network says that some Christians have been trained to become like Mr Rogers or the Teletubbies.
People who are in low AGFLAP often pride themselves as being nice people. But the truth of the matter is that they are just soft - the AGFLAP chart enables us to identify this. I have found that people who are in low AGFLAP, although they might be quiet and keep themselves to themselves, they can harbour the most bitter and unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Even though a person commits himself to an act of charity, their motive could be all wrong. When a CAP person commits to an act of benevolence, it is most likely that it is done out of a genuine heart of love - free from ulterior motives.
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