
Sunday, 7 February 2010

The Four Wants in Personalities and Relationships

When a person has any of the four wants operating in his life, they will adversely affect every area of his life. It is no surprise therefore that the four wants have a major impact on relationships.

I have found that people tend to spend most of the time in particular emotional states. These emotional states can be identified using the AGFLAP-CAP chart of emotions, used by The Sedona Method and Release Technique. Generally speaking, people can be roughly divided into three main groups: low AGFLAP, high AGFLAP and CAP.

For those who are unfamiliar with releasing, AGFLAP is an acronym for apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride. CAP is an acronym for courageousness, acceptance and peace. The further you go up the chart of emotions - the more energy each emotional state has - starting with apathy, which has the least energy, and ending with peace, which has the most energy.

In truth, it is difficult to establish a completely accurate model for anything to do with the mind and emotions. Although there have been some very brilliant psychologists throughout history who have established some very accurate psychological models -- it still remains very difficult to establish the anything which is more than just a guideline. In practice, most people will tend to experience one or more of the emotional states and any of the others. Despite this, they will also experience all the other emotions to a lesser extent. By making efforts to identify a person's emotional profile, locating them on the AGFLAP-CAP chart, we can roughly determine how effective and happy that person will be in life -- including their relationships.

We will now examine in detail, these different personality profiles: low AGFLAP, high AGFLAP and CAP.


Unknown said...

What is the four wants? thanks!

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