
Thursday, 14 January 2010

An Introduction – Releasing and Inquiry

I still could not make much progress with loosing and binding. Although to my amazement I was actually able to loose a negative thought or feeling and feel a sense of relief after it. Therefore, I felt convinced that there was something to it. You can read more about my efforts with loosing binding in the loosing and binding label of my Christian blog The Divine Nature. I think I was looking for was something that could deal with a negative thought or feeling in the moment. Rather than come out with long winded, formulistic prayers - I just wanted something simple and effective. In what put me off loosing binding was the affirmations approach that I had picked up from self-help teaching and Word of Faith. I was sick and tired of trying to make affirmations when I just did not feel that it was true in my heart.

I was browsing around in the self-help section of a bookstore one day, when I saw a book entitled The Power of Letting Go by Patricia Carrington. This book captured my attention straightaway as I was looking for more practical and simple methods of applying this power of the "loosing" or letting go. I was delighted with this book because it provided me with the means of being able to let go of the situation with just a simple statement. I like the way that Patricia Carrington recommends just let go of little simple things to start off with: such as letting go of wanting the weather to be different or the traffic to not be as bad as it is or wanting to change the food in restaurant and so on. I found that I could use the simple statements to actually gain a sense of peace in the moment. I notice that this book is third in the foreword that the worst is based on a method called The Sedona Method. It was probably about a year like the act of buying this book that I noticed The Sedona Method book in a bookstore. Well, I just had to buy the book. But I left The Sedona Method book on my bookshelf for about a year before I picked it up and decided to actually do something with it.

It was during the summer of 2007 when I finally decided to do something with The Sedona Method. There were a few little things that I was unsure about at first so I decided to look for forums on the Internet related to it. I joined they for which was on MSN, which is now on Multiply. I found the people on that forum were friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful. In no time at all and was able to get going with some simple releasing. I found that releasing through The Sedona Method was far simpler than trying to use loosing and binding prayers. I still wasn't entirely sure how releasing fitted in with the Christian grace message -- but I felt that the two seem to go hand in hand quite well. I continued to release and to experiment with different methods such as releasing on resistance and performing the written releasing exercises, such as Likes/Dislikes and Advantages/Disadvantages. Like many of the releasers I found that the wants would simply bounce back almost immediately after I had released them. Nevertheless, I was absolutely convinced of the power of releasing and was keen to continue with it.

I think it was around the end of the year 2007 or the start of 2008 when I became interested in The Work of Byron Katie. I had never heard of The Work or Byron Katie before, not until I read frequented the releasing forum on MSN. It seems that there were quite a few releases who were interested in performing this method known as The Work. So I decided to visit The Work website and find out more about it. There were some resources that I could download for free and there were some videos on the website of Byron Katie facilitating this method known as The Work. I will admit that at first I thought that The Work seemed just too simple. But was curious about this method and thought that it would not hurt to give it a try. So I tried to work on an issue that was concerned about. To my amazement The Work just seemed to do itself! It seemed as if revelation just poured forth from my heart as I asked the questions. I've found that these inquiry sessions would take about 20 minutes to perform. After performing inquiry I would feel a great sense of relief.

Nowadays, I get the feeling that inquiry is more powerful and it affects more permanent than releasing. My experiences have led me to believe that releasing is nothing more than an on-the-spot stress reliever. Whereas, inquiry is a means of setting oneself free from accumulated negative beliefs. I could be wrong about this of course and everyone is different. If someone comes to me and tells me that they have experienced incredible breakthrough is with releasing only -- I would not argue with them and I would be very pleased and very interested with their results. This blog that am writing now is not a set of teaching as such -- I am sick and tired of being preached to having been a Christian for over 15 years -- this blog is to simply the journal of my own experiences with releasing an inquiry as a grace believing Christian.

I am convinced that Christianity (grace), releasing and inquiry – all fit together and work hand-in-hand to bring a person to a state of personal freedom and fulfilment. The inquiry I have done in the last few months has made a tremendous difference to my thinking and has brought me a great deal of peace. I have tried many self-help methods and flavours of Christianity and most of them have brought me a lot of disappointment. The message of grace as taught by Joseph Prince, releasing and inquiry have endured with me and I am convinced that they work.

It is my hope that this blog becomes a community of like-minded people who are able to share ideas and experiences, with a means of helping one another. When I say “like-minded” I appreciate that people visiting my blog are likely to have diverse beliefs, but there should be some aspects of what I write that you can relate to, at least. I realize that this is going to be a clash of beliefs – but I implore you to respect the beliefs of others and that you do not use this blog as a platform to try to convert other people to your way of thinking. In any case, show kindness and respect to other people. If you are a releaser – I would ask that you release first on a topic that you feel strongly about.

I am a Christian so don’t be surprised if I post up Bible verses to support what I write about. But rest assured, I’ll try my level best to not be excessive with Bible verses. I will never post Bible verses with the intention of trying to convert people to Christianity. We all have a spiritual path to travel and I appreciate that it takes certain experiences and influences to arrive at who you are today and what you believe. It is impossible to try to convert people to a certain belief system, such as Christianity, by just posting up Bible verses and I find that it simply annoys people.

By the way, my preferred Bible version is the New King James Version, which is a literal version. I also like the The Living Bible (the original 1971 version, not so much the later New Living Translation) and The Message. The Living Bible and The Message are both modern paraphrased versions which are excellent at bringing scripture to life and making it amazingly simple to understand. I also have a wide variety of other Bible versions which I might quote from, as appropriate.

I have also started using the alternative, but closely related form of releasing to The Sedona Method, which is called The Release Technique/Abundance Course. When I refer The Sedona Method, in most circumstances you can assume that I refer equally to The Release Technique/Abundance Course as well. From this point onwards I intend to refer to The Work as inquiry and The Sedona Method or The Release Technique/Abundance Course, as releasing.


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