
Sunday, 24 January 2010

Dealing With Resistance – Part 1

Something that I learned while practising the Sedona Method basic course – is letting go of resistance. All of us have some degree of resistance to those things in life that we should be doing. There are times when we want to do something that we should not really be doing in that moment – that kind of resistance is beneficial to us. In everything that we do in life, we should look to our heart to let us know what we should do in that moment. That is what love is all about: when we feel good about something and feel compelled to do that thing – oftentimes it is love. When we want to do something that is not good for us, but feel hesitant, and perhaps don’t know why – that is love as well, or an absence of it for our benefit.

There are also times when we feel compelled to do something that is not good for us, or anyone else for that matter, but we feel compelled to do it nonetheless. In such times as these it is not love that is motivating us – it is one of the negative emotions: fear, lust, anger or pride. I find that the emotions with the least energy in them, apathy and grief, do not motivate us like the other emotions, but simply provide apathy or resistance to doing what we ought to be doing. It goes without saying that the lower we are on the AGFLAP chart of emotions – the more apathy and resistance we will experience. By the way, AGFLAP is an acronym for the negative emotions identified in the Sedona Method and Release Technique: apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger and pride. I recall feeling rather confused and amused at first when I began frequenting a releasing forum and they would write things like, “I’ve been in AGFLAP all day…”

It is also perfectly possible to be at rest in a given moment, not being motivated to do anything in particular, and yet, be in one of the positive emotional states: courageousness, acceptance or peace. The positive emotions are sometimes referred to as CAP, being an acronym of courageousness, acceptance and peace. The more we abide in CAP – the more energy we will have at our disposal for when the need arises.

We can assume that the existence of one or more of the underlying wants, and the strength of them in any given moment – is what creates resistance. Therefore, the more we let go of emotions, even the positive ones, and the underlying wants – the less resistance we will experience to living our life as we should.

One of the biggest sources of resistance in our lives is when someone tells us that we should or must do something. I remember from an early age that when my mother would pester me to do something – I felt that I really did not, or even could not, do it. There is something about being told to do something by other people that seems to engender resistance in us.


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