Here is an example of a Self-Talk script that I wrote in order to give myself a better perspective on money. Rather than just using the typical affirmations that declare I attract money – I decided to listen to what my heart was telling me when I questioned my stressful thoughts using The Work of Byron Katie. I decided to put some of the salient points from my Inquiry sessions on money and corporate success – into my Self-Talk scripts.
I realise that it’s more important to make good decisions with my money, than to have a fancy job title and high salary figure.
It is my right to prosper financially, get my needs met and live a good quality of life - regardless of my performance in the workplace.
My job title and salary figure are not indications of my ability to prosper financially and get my needs met. There is a lot more to do with prospering financially than earning a salary. What really counts is making good decisions with my money, buying and selling things at the right time, making good investments, saving diligently and being careful with how I spend my money.
I know that happiness has very little to do with how much money I have in the bank. I can be truly happy and content with whatever I have in this moment.
The best thing that I can do to prosper financially is to maintain peace of mind – free from worry about money. When my mind is at peace, I am in a position to make good decisions. A peaceful mind knows how much, when and with whom.
I know that currencies, interest rates, inflation, trade deficits and house prices fluctuate all the time. But I don’t look to those things to determine my prosperity – I look to the wisdom within me to make the right decisions that will steer me through life to financial victory. So while the economy goes up and down – my mind and emotions remain steady.
When it comes to climbing the corporate ladder – I realise that my success in the workplace is not just determined by what I achieve corporate success also requires confidence, people skills, kindness and courtesy and a happy disposition. So I make every effort to ensure that these vital life skills are always at work in me.