
Saturday, 2 October 2010

When the Work Doesn’t Seem to Work – Part 2

Despite the short-term evidence that Releasing and Inquiry works, there can be an inevitable disappointment with these methods, because they might not deliver the landmark, life-changing goals that we have been primed to expect. I find that I often seem to have a reluctance to use Releasing and Inquiry; I believe it all comes down to this lack of tangible evidence in the form of life-changing goals. It’s only when I finally get myself to release or inquire, and I experience the familiar and much-needed sense of relief, that I once again become encouraged to continue my efforts with these methods.

I am tempted to feel that the last two years or so of Releasing and Inquiry have yielded no benefit to me at all. But I also feel that this is not quite true: whilst I don’t seem to have fulfilled a single life-changing goal as yet, since I began using Releasing and Inquiry, I cannot deny the fact that there have been some beneficial changes. The changes are rather more subtle than the way-out, amazing, miraculous testimonies that make the latest self-help book so popular.

I admit that I do get frustrated and disappointed quite a lot and I wonder why I bother with Releasing and Inquiry. But when I compare myself now with myself two years ago – there has been a positive change. I seem to be doing a lot better in my job than I used to; I also seem to be a lot more enthusiastic in the workplace too. Whilst I don’t yet have that promotion that I’ve been striving to attain for numerous years – I do feel a lot closer to it now. There are quite a lot of things that I used to worry about in the past which I notice I no longer worry about. In fact, I do seem to be a lot more at peace nowadays than I used to be, although, I do still have regular bouts of anxiety and despondency.

In the past I derived my sense of hope from the fantasies that were established by the extravagant promises of charismatic spiritual leaders. I am now in a place whereby I can see the futility of those fantasies. Now, I would much rather take solace in the tangible reality of the subtle gains which I have made so far. These subtle gains might not be the stuff of popular self-help and motivational books – but at least they are real for me – I know which one I would rather have!

I truly am adamant that the best goal you can ever have is to maintain peace of mind: everything else, I feel, flows from there. You really cannot go further than peace: if you are in a constant state of anxiety, you really cannot achieve much in this life and you are likely to experience one drama after another. Even when you attain peace of mind, there is no guarantee that everything is going to be “plain sailing” from here. However, with peace of mind you know that you are in the best condition you can be in, in order to receive the best that life, God or the Universe has to offer you at this moment in time.


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