I have been wondering to myself what the purpose of this blog really is. After some thought I would say that it is all about making a case for people using releasing through The Sedona Method or The Release Technique/Abundance Course and inquiry through The Work. After using both methods now for around 2 years now, I tend to use Inquiry more than releasing.
I particularly want to make a case for Christians using these methods. The typical Christian carries around so much religious baggage and concepts, which makes them refuse to do anything like release and inquiry – typically dismissing such methods as “New Age”. But I am adamant that Inquiry has its place in the life of the Christian. I have even made an attempt to find Bible verses which attest this conviction.
The Grace Message
I have been through various different “phases” or “seasons” in my Christian journey. I’ve experienced the manipulation, fads and formulas; I’ve made financial offerings to the church with the promise of wealth, I’ve prayed incessantly for “revival”, I’ve experienced healing miracles and I’ve feared that I might have lost my salvation more times than I can count. The religious oppression or rituals and rules eventually led me to what is now knows as the “grace message”. This grace message veers away from rule keeping and focuses on God’s love for us and how Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins. Now, instead of trying to gain God’s approval through our good deeds and behaviour – we are to rest in the finished work of the cross.
I recently wrote some entries in my Christian blog The Divine Nature which I feel provide a summary of my journey into the Christian “grace message” so far:
Grace Origins…How It All Started
Grace Elements…Righteousness and No-condemnation
Grace Elements… Unionist Teaching
Grace Elements… Free Believers / Anti-I.C.
I also have a list of links to various Christian teachers and preachers who teach this grace message on the Grace Preachers List.
The interesting thing is that if I had not come to this “grace message”, I would not have even considered anything along the lines of releasing and inquiry. It is only the grace message which paves the way for releasing and inquiry. If a Christian is “law-oriented” rather than “grace-oriented” – there is no way they would even consider releasing and inquiry. When I think about it now, the Christian grace message, releasing and inquiry have only become popular in recent years. The form of self-inquiry known as The Work, has not been around all that long at all. I know that releasing was discovered about thirty years ago, but the Sedona Method basic course, in CD and book form, has not been around for all that long.
For Such a Time as This
There is a Bible verse, Esther 4:14, which ends with the statement, “for such a time as this.” It just makes me think that everything I’ve experienced in my life so far has been for this moment I now experience. Even all the difficult times and the so-called “mistakes” I’ve made – it’s all been for such a time as this. There has never been a time in history when the Christian message has been so pure and undefiled by man-made religious oppression and manipulation, together with the incredible methods of releasing and inquiry. Releasing and inquiry provide tools for self-improvement and self-realisation which, I believe, are unparalleled. Furthermore, without the freedom of what is now known in Christian circles as “The Grace Message”, there is no way that I would have ever gone near releasing or inquiry techniques.
The Misunderstood God
As I have mentioned in my Grace Elements series – there are different facets of the Christian grace message which different Bible teachers and Christians focus on: some focus on correcting a misinterpretation of the Bible and use Bible verses to do so. Other people focus more on the “essence” of the Gospel, without quoting Bible verses. This focus on the “essence” of the Gospel, also seeks to address the frustration and anger of the manipulation of the institutional church. My favourite blog which focuses on the “essence” of the Gospel is The Free Believers Network. I recommend the book, The Misunderstood God, by Darin Hufford, founder of The Free Believers Network, which aims to correct the misunderstanding Christians have about God, in relation to His love for us.
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